English For Receptionist

Silabus Training

In the vibrant world of hospitality and corporate front desks, where the first impression is paramount, the "Elevate: English Proficiency for Receptionist Excellence" training program takes center stage. Receptionists serve as the ambassadors of an organization, creating the first and often lasting impression on guests. Beyond providing information, they are orchestrators of the guest experience, and their ability to communicate with finesse is pivotal. "Elevate" responds to this critical need by placing language proficiency at the forefront, recognizing it as the linchpin that elevates the receptionist's role to that of a hospitality talent. This comprehensive program is meticulously crafted to sharpen the language skills of receptionists, ensuring they become the articulate and polished communicators essential for creating a positive and welcoming environment. By the end of the program, participants will be able to create effective communication in English as frontliners with professional etiquette. 


Rp2.000.000++  / days in-class training

Rp1.000.000++ /days online training

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Harga termasuk modul dan sertifikat

Materi Bahasan

Tanggal Penyelenggaraan:

2 Mei 2025

24 September 2025

Metode Training

Target Peserta

Sekretaris, resepsionis, asisten administrasi


1 hari, 09.00-16.00 WIB